Boring Preachy Part

The Thirteen Thieves blog is about life, exploration of thoughts, glimpses into the lifestyle, motivation, grooming recommendations, and sometimes men's style and style staples.

Till I hear it from you


Till I hear it from you,

What an action-packed week we have had so far and what we get to look forward to. These are the days of our lives. Short recap, Sunday, we had Wrestlemania 35, The NCAA Final (Men's and Women's Tournament), the Masters starts on Thursday. Wednesday, the Stanley Cup playoffs begin. Tuesday we had National Unicorn Day, which nobody dressed up and that made me a little sad. However, Monday was the day of all days. April 8th is the official Rex Manning Day. How did you celebrate Rex Manning Day? Did you even know? I hope you didn't dwell, especially not on Rex Manning day!

Rex Manning is a character from the 1995 movie, Empire Records. Empire Records is essentially a coming of age movie revolving around the young characters development into adulthood. The film takes place during a single day at a record store that the child star turned pop star Rex Manning is set to arrive. Rex had a wildly successful career in the '70s washed out in the '80s and is attempting to make his comeback with the release of a new album and an in-store appearance to sign autographs for which the day is dubbed by the employees, as Rex Manning Day. It has become a pop culture time-honored event on the internet and I hope you found a chance to celebrate such a glorious day of joy, and if not, you have a whole week worth of things to revel in, especially with the premiere of the last season of Game of Thrones.

Even though I didn't wear my shiny, silky fringed purple button-up shirt paired with my plum crazy slacks and a black crushed velvet blazer. I finished my Monday watching the movie that sparked the holiday. I think its fun to celebrate a day that sometimes feels like my very own personal holiday. I have very few friends who love this movie as much as I do, and the soundtrack brings me right back to the first time I saw this movie and the life I was living during the mid-'90s.

Maybe this is some definitive sign of getting older (not that the grey hair isn't a hint), but the idea of staring blankly into the ether, looking back, fondly remembering and reminiscing on my young adult precocious perceptions of how the world worked. Maybe age does have something to do with it, but every year that I watch this movie I realize it is one more year away from the people I loved so much during this time, the concerts and bands that I got to see, and the philosophical debates my friends and I engaged in nightly. I was living recklessly while discovering who I was and how I fit, within the world I lived in (and there may have been a few years of crazy mad cribbage games). I look back on these times with such affection I cannot imagine how things could have ever been better, but they have. I had a few roadblocks and stumbled my way through other points in my life, but today, in the here and now, I can honestly say are some of the best times of my life. I have a vast catalog of experience and perspective to utilize as needed and even though I miss that previous autonomy, the friendships, and the loves. Life is more profound than I could have ever imagined now, the freedom is sweeter, and the connections are deeper,

Memories are funny things...

Cristian ThirteenComment