Thirteen Thieves

Boring Preachy Part

The Thirteen Thieves blog is about life, exploration of thoughts, glimpses into the lifestyle, motivation, grooming recommendations, and sometimes men's style and style staples.



At Thirteen Thieves we genuinely believe that a simple act of kindness can truly change someone's outlook so definitively that it may be life-changing for them. It makes us feel great to help where we can and one of our business core values is to be of service. Some people think that only those who are financially stable or prosperous should give to charity. However, we must remember that providing help starts from a personal belief from our heart, a thing that every human being has, no matter their financial or material position. As long as whatever we give, whether service or material gift, makes a positive impact and difference on the life of the beneficiary, then it qualifies to be a gift and something we can give freely. You do not have to move far from where you are to find a worthy cause in providing this gift to someone. People are all around us. 

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