Boring Preachy Part

The Thirteen Thieves blog is about life, exploration of thoughts, glimpses into the lifestyle, motivation, grooming recommendations, and sometimes men's style and style staples.

Don't Stand So Close To Me.

I read a very interesting article the other day that went through the history of pandemics. How they started, who was affected, and how many deaths resulted after all was said and done. What the article highlighted for me was that diseases and illnesses had plagued humanity since our earliest beginnings. As we transitioned from more agrarian societies to urbanization, viruses have generated a consistent presence without relenting.

As population increases, environmental pressures mounts, and the densities of urban and rural areas accelerate to once unimagined levels, the spread and scale of diseases will only increase in likelihood.

Despite the persistence of viruses and diseases throughout history, we've had one consistent trend over the years, and that has been the gradual reduction in death rates. Science, SCIENCE, and healthcare improvements have allowed the super-smart people to understand the factors and circumstances that incubate "would be" and defined pandemics. Knowing cause and effect allows information to be disseminated down to us so that we can put into place best practices to avoid getting ourselves sick.

Everything about this situation is super scary, and it is not the virus that is scaring me, but its the people and how they are reacting in the infancy of this future. I truly hope fear, scarcity of resources, and the resulting behaviors affected by the above doesn't become a more significant issue. I love history and have always found myself fascinated by the events that led people to overlook their humanity based entirely on fear for things that they cannot control. As a result, I am nervous to see the worst but hope for the best when the inundation of media fuels human's propensity for fear.

I am not sure where COVID-19 will land in the field of showstopper diseases humanity has had to contend with. The virus will run its course as most viruses do, but the decisions we make out of fear are going to have residual effects. So why not do something that supports you. Take breaks from watching, reading, and listening to news and other media about this virus. Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, workout, or yoga at home, possibly meditate. Eat a balanced healthy diet and get plenty of sleep. Most importantly, talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling. Knowing you are not alone, helps a lot.

Please take care of yourselves and follow the recommendations that have been outlined to us. Stay home if you are sick, cover your coughs and sneezes with a beach towel practice conscious social distancing, avoid crowds if possible, and wash your hands. If you’re in the sun, might as well add a dab of sunscreen.


Is the potentiality of the end of the world bumming you out? Solitary confinement seemed like a jazzed concept, but now has you feeling unsettled. Working from home was a great idea in theory, but now what? This week our guest, DJ SamiA curated mood music to both stroke your fears and quietly quell them at the same time while giving your ears one last treat before the sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, fever so you are all alone again.

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